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Queer Artists on Soundcloud

Here is a list of artists collected by myself and the lovely Kuma, AKA...! I was looking for pretty obscure and relatively unknown artists so I hope to see you all give these cool people a follow & tell them SceneWeekly sent you! <3

1. Kuma, AKA

Of course I couldn't make this list with Kuma without featuring her!

A self described post-crunk noise-pop artist, if you're looking for scene bop's you'll find them right here! Check out her new EP Faye Loves You & all her other works! (Neon Streaks and Swirls is a great bop album imo!)

2. Atomicdiscogirl

A dabbler in many genres, pop punk, electronic, hyperpop to name a few. Check out her stand out track "can you teach me how to fly?" & her newest drop "Pop Punk Disco"

3. Xx-Dart-Darling-xX <3

An amazing crunkcore artist, the scene sixteen birthday princess herself! I highly suggest checking out all her stuff, but especially her latest singles, "Filthy Grimey Digital Bombshell" & "You can't kill me, I'm not alive". The EP Crunk's Undead & album Scene Sixteen are also pure bangers!

4. Fumehood

An ambient noise band personally described, in a way I find amazing and could never summarize better, as "between 'diy basement show skramz' & 'ketamine sparklefur raver breakcore". Beautifully put if you ask me! Check out the album YCH vs. (you) to see for yourself!

5. Maya Malice

A classic crunkcore scenester! If you're looking for 2009's recently exhumed grave you'll find it here! Listen to her newest single "Myspace Called, They Want Their Crusty Beat Back" & the albums Sanction & it's sequel The Basement!

6. Candi Roxx

A less active artist but with some great tracks! Bringing back those classic scene vibes! Check out Thee Obscene Queen & M.B.B.!

7. Korra Rain

Fun crunkcore pop dubstep mixes with some real bops that I plan to listen to more of! Definitely listen to the newest album drop Hawt Rawring T-girl!

8. Garden Angel

Acoustic raw sounding emo music and harsh noise pop, definitely worth a look if those are your vibes! Checkout Vaporeon & Mandarin Haptic Feedback Razors for a sample of those sounds!

Thank you again to Kuma for helping me get together this list! Definitely go give all these artists a follow and listen to their music!


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