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Hello all my wonderful readers, I've got an exciting announcement to make!

I, Zombie Stardust, will be releasing my first crunkcore album! The Caffeine Addiction EP!

It has four songs on it:

- The title song 'Caffeine Addiction' an ode to my love of all things Monster Energy <3

- My crunk-emo-hypno love song 'Fall Out Boy Tried to Sue Me Over the Length of My Song Titles (So I Wrote a Song About It)' or if you want a shorter title I call it "Fall Out Boy Tried to Sue Me" when typing x3

- My pop-punk fairytale dream song 'Scene Cinderella' (which just between you & me might get an album of its own ;3)

- & finally, 'The World Ended (in 2014)' a rewrite of the MCR song "Kids from Yesterday" my bittersweet goodbye to the scene of old, a closing chapter for what once was, so that we can finally look forward to what is now and will be <3

Nearly a year ago I sat down and wrote two of the songs I'll be releasing with this EP, Caffeine Addiction and Scene Cinderella. I tried for a while to make something out of them, but was never happy with anything (I couldn't mix a beat if my life depended on it lol). Luckily for me I've recently been gifted with an incredibly music making girlfriend who has taken up the mantel of Producer for my music! The wonderful, beautiful, talented Kuma, AKA...!

(Who you should definitely go and follow on soundcloud because she's about to release a new album ;3 [])

I'm absolutely ecstatic about this release, I've been writing songs since I was in middle, but I never thought I'd ever be in the position to actually make music and I'm so thankful for this community and all the creators in it for the inspiration and motivation to make something like this! I hope you all stay tuned for the release, I don't have an exact date yet, but I'll be out sometime this year! I'll keep everyone posted on the progress as it comes together! Great things are coming everyone! <3


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