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Fashion Breakdowns: Layering

In this week's fashion breakdown we're going to talk about layering! Scene fashion is always additive! Taking something simple and adding more to it, it's maximalist and chaotic, you can do so much with it!

This outfit I wore on a date to the movies with my boyfriend! (This has nothing to do with the breakdown but the movie we saw was the Fnaf movie & I thought it was good x3)

The base of this outfit is just a plain black turtleneck and an old pair of beat up jeans, which would have been a fine outfit on their own, but I like it when people stare at me so I had to add more!

I got the pink and black tights in October, yes from the Halloween section, and they'd already ripped but a little rip won't stop me from wearing them. The vest I got a Walmart to wear for a formal occasion but I like it a lot on it's own so I wear it all the time, I should probably invest in more if I can find them!

So tights under jeans and a vest over a shirt is also a fine outfit, but the final and most important layer of any scene fit is the accessories! That's your Kandi, your belt(s), gloves, garters, bows, and hair extensions! You can keep adding and adding and adding forever until it looks just right! You can even add your own flair to regular accessories (I put monster tabs on my garter because I think it's so cute!)

The minimalism of recent years is out, maximalism is in! So keep adding! You can make a simple plain shirt and pants into a stunning alternate statement with just a little bit of spice!

Hope you all have fun building some stunning fits! <3


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